Holy mackerel – ROSE-BREASTED GROSBEAK in the yard

I had a funny feeling that I was going to have a great yard bird today, and so it came to pass! As I glanced up and looked out the window, a flash of black wings with big white wing patches came and went within a second. I immediately had the impression of a Grosbeak, but hardly believed it, especially when I saw a Downy Woodpecker in approximately the same place as the bird had flown. But not a minute later, out came the male Rose-breasted Grosbeak to my amazement and delight! I cracked open my back door to snap a few pics (please click on any photo to bring you to the entire album):

Male Rose-breasted Grosbeak in the yard, 3/23/13!

He was eating under the feeders and around the yard

His breast is not a bright, hot pink color, but more a lighter pink. He was happily eating with the Pigeons and House Sparrows – hahahaaa! These pics were taken through the window because I didn’t want to disturb him:

Taken from inside. How funny - Grosbeak with Pigeons!P1110112

In other yard news, my Fox Sparrow is still here – it’s been about a week now:

In other yard news, my Fox Sparrow is still here - been here about 1 week now

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